Byzantine marriage crown - presented by the Rev'd Dr Simon Jones


Presented by the Rev'd Dr Simon Jones

A distinctive element in the marriage rites of the Eastern Church was the crowning of the bride and groom. This may have had its origins in pre-Christian times and, as the high point of the liturgy, it continues to occupy a central place within the ritual of eastern wedding ceremonies today. These bronze Byzantine crowns date back to the 10th century, and Dr Simon Jones of Oxford University will explore their significance for our understanding of eastern Christianity and the rite of marriage.

Dr Jones presented the third object in the series, a Byzantine marriage crown, on 3rd November 2011 in Deddington Parish Church.

An introduction from Rev'd Dr Simon Jones.

Audio only of "Byzantine marriage crowns" presented by the Rev'd Dr Simon Jones.



Further resources:

R Browning, The Byzantine Empire (Catholic University Press of America, 1992)
J Herring, Byzantium: The Surprising Life of a Medieval Empire (Princeton, 2009)
J Meyendorff, Marriage: An Orthodox Perspective (SVS Press, 1975)
M Searle & K Stevenson, Documents of the Marriage Liturgy (Pueblo, 1992)
K Stevenson, Nuptial Blessing (SPCK, 1982)
K Stevenson, To Join Together: the Rite of Marriage (Pueblo, 1987)



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